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博客來-My Very First Library博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010752153
Here is the perfect gift for young children learning their colors, shapes, and numbers. All four of Eric Carle's popular new split-page board books are now packaged together in a slipcased library. A game as well as a learning experience, these early concept books are both fun and smart.
Children can turn the top pages independently from the bottom pages, creating a matching game that offers all the charm of Eric Carle's bright collage illustrations. Collected here are My Very First Book of Colors, My Very First Book of Shapes, My Very First Book of Numbers, and My Very First Book of Words. Irresistible fun for young hands and minds!
Eric Carle lives in Northampton, MA.
- 1.塑身女皇完美曲線伸展操(示範解說DVD+美體計畫BOOK+伸展操大海報)
- 2.冰與火之歌第二部:烽火危城上下冊套書
- 3.深夜食堂 6
- 4.特殊傳說 vol.1 不存在的學園!(新版)
- 5.非關英雄(卷7)終結與開端(上卷)
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