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Mariage Freres, the premier tea importers of France since 1854, offer their definitive version of the "art of tea" for those who are unable to resist the temptation of a fragrant cup of tea accompanied by flaky pastry. When Richard Bueno and Kitti Cha Sangmanee bought the well-respected Parisian firm in the early eighties, they expanded the business and give it a radically new dimension by inventing the French "art of tea". Mariage Freres sought out the best tea buds from all four corners of the globe: green teas from Japan, white teas from China, and First Flush Darjeelings. This book shares new ways of enjoying camellia sinensis and uncovers the secrets of the Mariage Freres tea ritual: mouth-watering recipes, tranquil settings, and beautiful accessories. This refined book - packaged as exquisitely as the company's tea and tea-related products - is a chic and totally irresistible invitation to tea.
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